You haven't tasted hot chocolate until you taste ours. We
choose the best of the best when it comes to our ingredients. The chocolate we
obtain is straight from Africa and picked out from the tree with precision. We
know what you love and we will give you just that. It's not just chocolate it's
dark. Dark chocolate is known to have many healthy benefits and full of
antioxidants to help the body. Go pick up a box of Pure Hot Chocolate at your
nearest grocery store. Warming the hearts of everyone, starting with yours. 5%
of the proceeds helps the victims in the Philippines.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Implementation Evaluation Control
The plan is for us to consistently check on the progress or how we are doing as a company. We will be checking on all of the competitors sales and ours and see what the numbers are. To see if they are doing better than us or not. What we can do to improve the sales and what are the customers really asking for. We would leave a number right onto the box where consumers can call and leave a comment, concerns, or compliments about the product. Like a how are we doing toll free number where they get to voice their opinion! "Through implementation, the company turns the plans into actions. Control consists of measuring and evaluating the results of marketing activities and taking corrective action where needed. Finally, marketing analysis provides information and evaluations needed for all of the other marketing activities." We would have to do a monthly report where we can figure out where we should be heading. If our competitors are doing better than we have to create a new idea to beat them in sales and popularity. If we are on top and we are doing fine, we are not going to stop there and improve. We cannot just sit back and relax now because we are on top of the sales or whatnot. There is always room to improve. Of course we can't forget that 5% of the total sales for the month goes to help people in Philippines! "Outlines the control that will be used to monitor progress and allow higher management to review implementation results and spot products that are not meeting their goals. It includes measures of return on marketing investment."
The price will significantly lower than our competitors! We have to start somewhere and that is where we will be starting. Why start off at a low price? We need to build a customer base and that's how we are going to do it. Everyone is struggling with money and people look for the cheapest things to buy now. They are going to love it when it is cheap and made with the best that we can offer! We will also match and 5% more if any other competitors tries to lower their price. We know our product and we stand by that! “The company can offer greater costumer value either by charging lower prices than competitors, or by offering more benefits to justify higher prices." We will be selling at a price of $9.99 and 5% going to help the victims in Philippines. The box will include 30 packets. "Customers are interested in more than just the price; they are interested in the total costs of obtaining, using, and disposing of a product. Customers want the product and service to be as conveniently available as possible."
We do many promotions to get the word out of our amazing product. Through such outlet as advertisement on televisions and radio to start things off. Commercials that would run on probably kids oriented channels. The reason why I say that is because we want to target the children, they love hot chocolate! I know I did when I was a child but I'm sure things haven't changed much. "the company designs promotion programs that communicate the value proposition to target consumers and persuade them to act on the market offering." Of course we are also going to announce that 5% will go to help the tragedy that happened in Philippines recently. We will create a logo that will be tagged on to the box so when people see it anywhere they would know what that logo relates to. The radio commercial will be another great idea to get the world out there. I am sure people would love to help others that are in need so saying that we are helping Philippines is going to be great. "Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it"
Our goal is to one day have it all grocery stores world wide but since we are just starting we are trying to get a customer base and have them spread the word around how great this product is. Probably will be starting in Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, places like that is indeed a bit pricey but they have the highest standards when it comes to products they offer on the counters. "The idea that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable and that the organization should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency." My target locations to start off is probably somewhere cold, that has snow every winter time. The idea behind this is that we are selling hot chocolate, meaning it is meant to be cold when it is drunk. Who wouldn't want a warm or hot beverage on a cold day? We all know that people tend to drink hot drinks when it's cold and cold drinks when it is hot. "Companies adopting this orientation run a major risk of focusing too narrowly on their own operations and losing sight of the real objective—satisfying customer needs and building customer relationships."
Like we mentioned earlier, we get our cocoa that is in our product straight from Africa. The dark chocolate is known for healthy benefits that is always a plus. The finest cocoa in the world! "Smart marketers look beyond the attributes of the products and services they sell. By orchestrating several services and products, they create brand experiences for consumers." Once we get the cocoa, we grind it up and package it all up in each packets. Our hot chocolate has the chocolate powder, brown sugar and powdered milk which is very easy to make up with just adding hot water. "Customers form expectations about the value and satisfaction that various market offerings will deliver and buy accordingly. Satisfied customers buy again and tell others about their good experiences. Dissatisfied customers often switch to competitors and disparage the product to others."
Target Market Strategy
"The art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them." First out company would like to say that we stress honesty, integrity and putting people first. We want to do what is right and not just make profit. We want what our customers want and we will do just that. We want what benefits both consumers and the company at the same time. We want to build a relationship with our target customers. "What customers will we serve (what’s our target market)? and How can we serve these customers best (what’s our value proposition)?"
SWOT Analysis
"The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis, by which it evaluates the company’s overall strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T)". With that being said we decided to go through and thought about the SWOT. For strength, we have the best of the best when it comes to dark chocolate that is imported here to the US from Africa. We pick the finest cocoa to put into out product and nothing less. We have someone there to pick out the batch and it is a professional that is well educated with picking up the best cocoas. Weaknesses would be the supply and demand. Since we are getting all of our shipments from across the world it does take a while for it get here to the factory to be processed into hot chocolate packets. So you can say that it might double the time when it comes to other competitions. The travel time of the chocolate will definitely be the thing that we do have to work on and think of something better in that matter. Opportunities would be to send these products off sea. Meaning hitting all of the world with our products from the US. Something that started off as just a hot chocolate can be more than that. To name a few, chocolate bars, ice cream bars, and such. Anything chocolate that can be created with chocolate. Threats would always be the competitions. All of the other companies that sell chocolate and other chocolate products. What makes us different is the ingredients that we provide to our guest which is the premium gourmet chocolate straight from Africa. "Strengths include internal capabilities, resources, positive situational factors that may help the company to serve its customers and achieve its objectives. Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may interfere with the company’s performance. Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage. And threats are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to performance."
"This broad mission leads to a hierarchy of objectives, including business objectives and marketing objective's." Our goal or objective is to be a profitable company that helps the people in need. We want to help the world and the communities as much as possible. We want to see the smiles and warm peoples hearts. Because everyone deserves to be happy. "The company’sobjective must be to manage “profitable growth.”
Week 9 EOC: The Mission Statement
"A mission statement is a statement of the organization’s purpose—what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment." To bring you the best possible product, that is our mission. Like with every single packet with make, we make with love. We get the best from the best and nothing less is going to be even thought of. With fresh ingredients and amazing flavor it will sure leave you wanting more and more. We followed our instincts to give you the taste of greatness. We incorporated dark chocolate, where ordinary hot chocolate would something more sweet and light. We decided to be different, we decided to take the leap and reach for what we believed in. Our hot chocolate is straight from Africa where 70% of the chocolates are made from and we get the freshest batch of them every shipment we can get. We stay the same with our goal, to make something special. To warm hearts of everyone around. Something memorable and sweet. Our purpose for this company is for you all to be smiling with happiness. We want everyone to have the best experience when it comes to our hot chocolates. Once a dream becoming a reality. “Mission statements should be meaningful and specific yet motivating. They should emphasize the company’s strengths in the marketplace.”
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